Thursday, 17 July 2014

ETL 501 Forum 1 Blooms Taxonomy

Comment on the table activity, the new explanations of Bloom's Taxonomy and how these have been applied using technology.

The table activity was difficult as deeper and more critical thinking was required for higher order tasks. The tasks that developed and applied the understanding and knowledge were simpler to complete. I think some of the higher order thinking taxonomies are often neglected in school education because they do require more thought and planning and are challenging to teach and for students to learn. I must be honest and say that I didn’t know that Blooms had been updated and being a visual learner I needed to see both side by side. I found the following image on Apps 4 Stages ,which shows the difference between the two .

It makes sense to use vocabulary and actions that very young students and EALD (English as an Additional Language or Dialect) students  more readily understand. I am amazed  when I see young students and those with a second language from the video in ‘More Than English’ speaking so well and demonstrating their understandings about a concept using BLOOMs. I particularly love the Bloom’s Ball activity.
The younger that students learn these terms and work in this way the more they will become second nature. They must be immersed in the language of the taxonomies from an early age (k -2).  Higher order activities are the  most difficult aspects for teachers to devise learning activities for and also for students to achieve. Technology enhances Blooms and provides so many new avenues for investigating and applying knowledge.